We have all of our affordable housing listings here: app.havenconnect.com/properties
Search for Housing and Apply:
- Scroll down until you find a waitlist you'd like to apply for
- If you do not have a Haven Connect account, tap "Apply Now"
- Tap "Create New Account"
- Add your name, email, cell phone, password, and agree to the Terms and Conditions. Then tap "Create Your New Account":
Fill out the form
- If you've signed up with your email address, the next step is to confirm your email. Check your Email:
- Look for an email in your inbox that says "Confirm Your Email." Check your junk/spam folder if it is not in your inbox. If you still don't get this email, please contact [email protected]
- Click the link "Confirm my email address". You will see confirmation that your email is verified.
- Then go back to the original browser window and click "Login After Verification"
- Type in your email and password, then tap "Log In"
- Once your email is confirmed, you can continue filling out the housing application