This is a great new option for larger property teams who want all responses from applicants in Haven Connect sent to one general property inbox. Send emails from your user account and let anyone on your team respond from the general inbox.

To enable a general inbox respond-to email:

1. Click Settings in the upper right menu of your dashboard

2. Select the property from the lefthand panel

3. Under "Respond to Email", enter the property email address where you would like the option to send applicant email responses and click the Save button

4. Toggle on the "Enable for all users at this property" switch if you'd like to set this as the default for all responses; leave the toggle off if you'd like the option to select this respond-to in each email communication

To utilize a respond-to email in an outgoing communication:

1. Select the applicant(s) you wish to email and chose "Send Message" option from the Actions menu

3. Select the checkbox at beside the BCC Address option to send replies to the general property or respond-to inbox

4. Create your email and send