1. Go to your Settings at the top right of your dashboard.
2. Once in your settings, select Templates from the lefthand side panel.
3. Click New Template.
4. Name your template.
5. Select the checkbox below Template Name to share your template with all users of your organization (only a supervisor can do this) or just users at a select property/ies.
6. Edit the template content for your email, text, and (optional) letter.
7. For email, add your subject line which is "Full Application" in the below example
Tip: use Template Tag merge fields such as First Name, Property Name, Property Phone by clicking the </>
symbol in the toolbar. This is especially useful if you are creating a template to be used by more than one property
in your organization.
9. For your SMS/Text template you get 280 characters for your message, so keep it brief.
Tip: Use your text message to direct applicants to their email for more information on an available unit
and include a property phone number and/or email in case they do not have a valid email address.
10. Don't forget to click Save at the bottom when you're finished.