Haven Connect lets you log in with a cell phone or email address. However, if you didn't provide both an email and a cell phone number when signing up only one of them may work. For example, if your email address does not work, please try using your cell phone to log in (and vice versa).
Log In With Email:
- Please visit https://app.havenconnect.com/login to log in.
- Enter the email and the password that you chose when you created your account and then click "Log In".
- The password field will show up once an email address has been typed in.
- To reset your password, review this support article: https://support.havenconnect.com/a/solutions/articles/42000106069
Log In With Mobile SMS (Text Message) Pin Code:
You can log in to Haven Connect using your mobile phone.
- Please visit app.havenconnect.com/login to login. Enter your cell phone number and click "Log In" and wait for a login code to be texted to your cell phone.
- Next, type in the 4-digit number that was texted to you into the "Login Code" input
Click "Verify & Log In".
- If you type in the correct login code, you should see this screen containing all your applications and an "Update Info" button for active applications. Rejected applications do will not have an "Update Info" button